
Built-in refrigerators No Frost

- Marking Full No Frost means that all chambers of the refrigerator are equipped with the No Frost system.

Such a system prevents the formation of frost on the walls of the chamber. The principle of its operation is based on the removal of excess moisture from the air (which, at low temperature, settles on the walls in the form of hoarfrost and ice). To do this, the air is driven by the fan through a special compartment, where moisture condenses, flows into a special tray and evaporates due to the heat from the compressor. This eliminates the need to regularly defrost the refrigerator to remove ice. The flip side of this convenience is that due to the work of No Frost, products without packaging dry out faster, because moisture evaporation from them accelerates. This is especially noticeable in the refrigerator compartment, where the temperature is above zero. However, this drawback can be compensated for precisely by careful packaging, and in general it is not critical.